Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Is Me

So, when i started writing this song, i PLANED on it being a love song..but God decided thats not what he wanted to happen, and this all honestly just kinda happened in about an hr.

The song is basically about those times in our lives, or at least mine, where im really struggling with sin, or self doubt, or a personal grief, and for whatever reason, whether it be pride, fear, shame, or foolishness, i dont turn to God to fight it. I just leave it up to myself. And of course that will just lead to failure. So in the chorus you see the person has finally hit that low point where they know they cant do anything themselves and call upon god.
the majority of the song is sung to Satan, but the final section is just praising Jesus...sooo. here it is

I tell myself it's ok
Things will be better today
nothings gonna stand in my way
still, there's you.

You're like this sick disease
that has found a home in me
id give it all to break free
but there's always you.

but not today, somethings change

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to which i boy
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

I know i've made mistakes
At times, been nothing but fake
But i kno a way to make
me more than you

In the past i hid my shame
treating life like a cosmic game
giving everyone else my blame
but im more than you
thanks to what he can do

Today, my whole life will change

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to with i bow
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

No one really knows how to be happy
cause living life means there will always be pain
and every time somebody turns around
you try to pull them into your flames

When we finally think we've got hold of things
you go around and change the rules
but someone great has given me a way out
he's given me the ultimate tools

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to which i bow
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

"my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." psalm 73:26

Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
everything i am is for you
Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
even impossible things you can do
bring me closer to you
your will is what i want to do
Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
Im yours

note: this image does not belong to me