Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Is Me

So, when i started writing this song, i PLANED on it being a love song..but God decided thats not what he wanted to happen, and this all honestly just kinda happened in about an hr.

The song is basically about those times in our lives, or at least mine, where im really struggling with sin, or self doubt, or a personal grief, and for whatever reason, whether it be pride, fear, shame, or foolishness, i dont turn to God to fight it. I just leave it up to myself. And of course that will just lead to failure. So in the chorus you see the person has finally hit that low point where they know they cant do anything themselves and call upon god.
the majority of the song is sung to Satan, but the final section is just praising Jesus...sooo. here it is

I tell myself it's ok
Things will be better today
nothings gonna stand in my way
still, there's you.

You're like this sick disease
that has found a home in me
id give it all to break free
but there's always you.

but not today, somethings change

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to which i boy
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

I know i've made mistakes
At times, been nothing but fake
But i kno a way to make
me more than you

In the past i hid my shame
treating life like a cosmic game
giving everyone else my blame
but im more than you
thanks to what he can do

Today, my whole life will change

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to with i bow
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

No one really knows how to be happy
cause living life means there will always be pain
and every time somebody turns around
you try to pull them into your flames

When we finally think we've got hold of things
you go around and change the rules
but someone great has given me a way out
he's given me the ultimate tools

Im done with hurting over you
Im done with hiding the things i do
thinking somehow it will all turn out alright
Im starting over here and now
There's a different king to which i bow
Its time to show you who i really am
Yeah, this is me

"my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." psalm 73:26

Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
everything i am is for you
Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
even impossible things you can do
bring me closer to you
your will is what i want to do
Im yours Lord
Im yours Lord
Im yours

note: this image does not belong to me

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Oh equality, what a lovely lie to spread.
When, in reality, equality is dead.

For equality is not law or creed, but people's very lives.
Equality is actions, good or bad.
Law cannot stop living knives.

So let it now be heard today,
from every street and corner.
Though it may be here someday,
equality did not exist former.
Note: This photo does not belong to me

Little Children's Tears

Sitting on the sand, looking at an ocean so vast.
Each wave telling a story from the past.
The dreams and hopes of the morning and night.
Of ambitions and hardships- our birthright.
But as a wave hits the sand and the skies roar,
a child's tear may be ignored.
Too many to count, so little to lend a hand.
The only way to know is to experience firsthand,
The tears belonging to girls and boys.
Like a fire you feel you must destroy.
But to stop the tears is to stop the rain.
To try, though, we must not refrain.
The tears of the children are all over the world.
Just allow your mind to be unfurled.
From Africa and Asia to the Americas and Europe.
The tears cannot be masked by makeup.
Like the waves of yesterday reaching the sands of today,
If you want to stop the tears, don't stop midway.

Note: This image does not belong to me

Saturday, June 5, 2010


the sun.
its so warm.
it hits my face like a wave of breath that i have been keeping in my lungs.
so afraid of letting it out.
so scared

let it out.
escape from the frozen air that has chilled even my marrow.
my teeth have been playing songs for so long,
my mouth chattering to the beat of my heart

heart beating.
i want to be loved,
but there are so many scars.
who would want someone this disfigured?
all alone in the darkness i sit until the day the scars heal

again comes the warm breeze.
the leaves dance like a ballet of colors in the autumn sky

i wish i could be those leaves.
still i stand in fear.
what if i was hated for my dance?
would it be that bad if i stood out?
can i be different and still be happy?

dark thoughts plague me.
the candle in my window is dying down.
where will the light come from now?
i feel like no one sees the pain.
no one sees the scars.
if they do, they leave me to fall regardless.
the hole i slip into seems to only get deeper.
still no one reaches out their hands.
how deep will they let me fall?
how deep will i let myself fall?

a voice breaks through,
sounding like a babbling brook and the clap of thunder.
comfort and fear flow in all at once. but no darkness.
only light

all i can hear is his whisper.
"i love you.
follow me and you will never be alone again.
i will pull you from the hole.
you are so beautiful to me. now live"

i breathe

Note: None of these images belong to me

Thursday, June 3, 2010


May 26, 2008
a day i wont soon forget.
a day that to any other is but another check on a list of passing days counting down on an infinite clock until they become what they once were,
how i long to be them at times, free from the restraints that tie my memory to this day.
yet here i lay, helpless to the wanderings of my mind, the beating of my heart.
two years ago today, a few hours before now you asked me into your life.
i accepted, never knowing what was ahead.
today i sit in melancholy, wondering the point of it all.
You were once my best friend, my lover, my confidant.
I need not know any fear while you held me in your arms and whispered in my ear.
yet, you were the one to be feared.
you held the knife that cut me like butter, leaving a scar in the shape of your name, branding me to your ownership.
the blood dripped, as did the tears that washed me clean.
through the pain i found myself, covered once by your very essence.
your essence, something i held so dear, wrapping around myself like a blanket.
your essence, the one thing that was suffocating me was what i loved the most.
i forgave you like a fool, wanting you, needing you. planning a life as the wife of you.
i saw each bruise as it appeared on my skin, each tear as it rolled down my face
yet i forgave you.
beyond forgiveness, i gave you a key into the depths of my soul and allowed you to destroy me from within.
you couldn't have done it without me
so perhaps i was that knife that cut in so deep
perhaps i was the one who left your name imprinted on myself.
and why is it so easy to forgive the one holding the knife, before forgiving the blade
you received pass after pass while i let myself bleed until nothing was left.
but i loved you
so that was the price i paid, nothing in life is free.
i traded myself for a short lived romance leaving nothing but shattered pieces of a future you once helped me build
a heart torn into crumbs not even an ant bothers to notice
two souls, once joined, hiding from each other like scared children

May 26, 2010
Now, you are but a memory in the chaos of my mind.
my heart still remembers your love
my skin still remembers you're touch
but i do not want you now
in foolishness i wish to be in the past where you were mine
i cannot know if that past will ever again be a truth of the present
but i hope it does not
for in my mind you cannot lie, manipulate, or hurt.
you promised me forever, and like the foolish girl i am i believed you
you gave me a ring, yet it was worth more in dollars than in meaning
you played with my mind, my spirit
so no, i dont want you now.
still, i cannot let you go
not yet
your name is still visible on me, my tears have yet to wash me completely
in time i will be free for your strings
one day you will look upon me for solace from your mistakes
forgiveness is all i will offer

Hold On

Hold on, Just hold on x3

I know you've said it's over
but it's just so hard to leave
I can't grasp this feeling
that we will never be

You told me that you loved me
that we would never be apart
but now you've left me hanging
have me stranded in the dark

I know one day I'll move on
my heart wont scream for you
but moving forward is much worse
than anything else i'll ever do

Hold on, Just hold on
to your memories of me
hold on, just hold on
love me always baby, please
I kno that i cant have you
and one day you'll love her more
but until that day, all I can say
is hold me tightly at your core

I know I'll be happy once more
with each one closed comes an open door
I kno this will all just be a memory
but deep inside you'll always be with me

hold on, just hold on x3

Hold on, Just hold on
to your memories of me
hold on, just hold on
love me always baby, please
I kno that i cant have you
and one day you'll love her more
but until that day, all I can say
is hold me tightly at your core

It's funny to me that it takes two
for us to become something true
but when, for you, its finally done
ripping us apart takes only one

note: the image above does not belong to me


As my heart broke so did the clouds, causing the rain to fall as hard as my hopes and dreams did that day.
And as the rain fell my tears became invisible to the world around me.
And the reason for all the pain that i felt was you.
You broke me down and let me fall into my own empty heart.
But why, why would you do such a thing to me?
I loved you and i know you loved me too.
But then only love can bring us to do such things.
You said you hated me and i let myself believe it, but the look in your eyes only told me that your words were lies painting a picture even you hated.
But i am better now, my heart has filled with the tears i cried that night over you.
The pain will never again plauge me like it did that day.
I hope that you can now look at that picture you painted that day and say that it makes you happier than the one that your truths paint,
because you will never have me back.

Note: This photo does not belong to me


it goes 2 the melody of Remembering Sunday by All Time Low, so basically u can just replace their words with my words and u know what the song wud sound like

He finally stopped dreaming and started to see
She was not all a girl could be
Though he loved her
He never felt warmth in her touch

Falling now, down to his knees
He closes his eyes
She's all he can see
From the first time he saw her
To that very last kiss
He had been infected with her disease

He looked back on that lovely monsoon
She killed with a smile while her eyes left a wound
She draws you to love, she draws you to love
Whispering words you wish you knew

Why, love, have you done this to me?
I'm pleading, I'm bleeding. Marie
My body aches for you
But one day I will find
Who's been creeping in my dreams
Ill marry her, one day you'll see
That's the moment you'll want me

His voice box is ringing just like her phone
He just can't seem to let go
How did he find, that one wondering eye
That imploded his world

Alone in her own room
For the first time, been used
Her heart breaks inside
She's been denied
Is this what its like to cry?

Why, love, have you done this to me?
I'm pleading, I'm bleeding. Marie
My body aches for you
But one day I will find
Who's been creeping in my dreams
Ill marry her, one day you'll see
That's the moment you'll want me

An angel ran him off the road
Funny how karma goes
Her laugh was as bright as the sun
His heart shooting like a gun
How could he deny
the beauty of no lies
He began seeing the world through her eyes
the love he longed for was within her

Im not calling back,~~forgive me
I found someone to love while you were off loving him~~please just call me, I'm calling
And breaking down me
It's messed up, that's what's "sup"~~i didnt mean to do that to you
But now she is healing the pain inside me
Just leave us alone
This all feels so mundain
When I'm with her I am popping champagne
I'm free from you now, Just as I vowed
And i found the girl in my dreams

She's all alone now
She's all alone now
He's got the girl now
But she's all alone

Note: These images do not belong to me


Cry me a river
or drown me in love
im so sick of hearing
that life's push or shove

i gave you my heart
but you threw is away
dont think i dont know
that you have more to say

You love me
but love makes you so scared
still tell me
i thought that you cared

but you push me away
and you doubt what you feel
all i ask of you is honesty
not some second rate deal
but you cant seem to master
anything but your hate
and im so sick of it

i ask you a question
and you turn you head
i get so upset
that i just lay in bed

i cry myself to sleep
cause your so far away
even when your next to me
my heart's the only one displayed


yes im so sick of it

why do you think that this s*** is ok
there will come a point, a heart breaking day
when your left all alone with your heart on your sleeve
but when that day comes, you wont have me


and im so sick of it

Note: The image above does not belong to me

Keep Us Alive

Its 20 past 2 and all I can do
Is just think about the way you have hurt me
Battered and Bruised, Im so confused
You utter you love me..

I feel so free..

But then why, do you disguise
Every true act that could lead to the fact
That its true
Before we're through

I just wanna believe, but its so hard for me
When you do the things that you do

So spin me around, lift me off the ground
Just so I fall right outta your arms
But Im bound, you always surround
Every though that I have because of you charms

So free me
This is strike three
Im sick of this hurt, you've left me so burnt
Still I love you
But I cant do


So spin me around, pick me off the ground
Just so I fall right outta your arms
But I am bound, you always surround
Every thought that I have because of your charms

Its over a year, yet I still fear
That true love is something we're lacking
It may be sincere, but this pain's so severe
So I think that its time I get packing
Get packing...

You just disguise, ever small lie
Till it adds up and makes me feel sick
You know that I've tried
But now it's time for goodbye
Maybe you'll love her next time

So don't spin me around, or pick me off the ground
I wont let you drop me right outta your arms
Now I've found, that Im not bound
No matter how charming you are
God you are...

So free me
This is strike three
Im so sick of this hurt, you've left me so burnt
I loved you
But I cant do

No longer are we alive

Its 40 past 2 and all I can do
Is just think that you can no longer hurt me

Note: the image above does not belong to me


So this is my second blog, and this one is for my poems/lyrics/stories/etc.
If you would like to learn more about me personally head on over to my first blog =)