Saturday, June 5, 2010


the sun.
its so warm.
it hits my face like a wave of breath that i have been keeping in my lungs.
so afraid of letting it out.
so scared

let it out.
escape from the frozen air that has chilled even my marrow.
my teeth have been playing songs for so long,
my mouth chattering to the beat of my heart

heart beating.
i want to be loved,
but there are so many scars.
who would want someone this disfigured?
all alone in the darkness i sit until the day the scars heal

again comes the warm breeze.
the leaves dance like a ballet of colors in the autumn sky

i wish i could be those leaves.
still i stand in fear.
what if i was hated for my dance?
would it be that bad if i stood out?
can i be different and still be happy?

dark thoughts plague me.
the candle in my window is dying down.
where will the light come from now?
i feel like no one sees the pain.
no one sees the scars.
if they do, they leave me to fall regardless.
the hole i slip into seems to only get deeper.
still no one reaches out their hands.
how deep will they let me fall?
how deep will i let myself fall?

a voice breaks through,
sounding like a babbling brook and the clap of thunder.
comfort and fear flow in all at once. but no darkness.
only light

all i can hear is his whisper.
"i love you.
follow me and you will never be alone again.
i will pull you from the hole.
you are so beautiful to me. now live"

i breathe

Note: None of these images belong to me

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